The State Opening is the main ceremonial event of the parliamentary calendar, attracting large crowds, both in person and watching on television and the internet.
main = principal.......................event = acontecimiento.........................crowds = multitudes
The State Opening of Parliament marks the beginning of the parliamentary session. Its main purpose is for the monarch formally to open Parliament and, in the Queen's Speech, deliver an outline of the Government's proposed policies.The State Opening usually takes place in November or December on the first day of the new parliamentary session.
There is also a State Opening shortly after a general election.
The Queen's procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster is escorted by the Household Cavalry.
Speech= discurso........................... deliver = dar, entregar, pronunciar.
outline= esquema, resumen.........policy = política
The Queen arrives at the Sovereign's Entrance at about 11.15am, and proceeds to the Robing Room, where she puts on the Imperial State Crown and parliamentary robe. A procession then leads through the Royal Gallery to the Chamber of the House of Lords, where the Queen takes the Throne.
Sovereign's Entrance = Entrada/Puerta Soberana..................Robing Room= Sala de Togas
Imperial State Crown = Corona Imperial...............................Parliamentary robe = Toga parlamentaria .
Chamber of the House of Lords = Cámara de los Lores..........lead = dirigirse
Throne = trono
The official known as 'Black Rod' is sent to summon the Commons. In a symbol of the Commons' independence, the door to their chamber is slammed in his face and not opened until he has knocked on the door with his staff of office. The Members of the House of Commons follow Black Rod and the Commons Speaker to the Lords Chamber and stand behind the Bar of the House of Lords (at the opposite end of the Chamber from the Throne) to hear the Queen's Speech.
rod = vara
summon = convocar
Commons = Comunes.La expresión "Comunes" hace referencia al hecho de que los componentes la Cámara eran originariamente
....................representantes de las ciudades, en oposición a los miembros de la Cámara de los Lores,
................... todos ellos miembros de la nobleza
...................y la jerarquía de la Iglesia de Inglaterra.
slam in his face = dar un portazo en su cara
knock = llamar (golpear) a la puerta staff of office = bastón de mando
The Queen's Speech is delivered by the Queen from the Throne in the House of Lords, in the presence of Members of both Houses.
Although the Queen reads the Speech, the content is entirely drawn up by the Government and approved by the Cabinet.
draw up = redactar
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Welcome to Facebook
The English Department keeps on working with new technologies. Our students and ex pupils will be more than welcome to our BRAND NEW Facebook page: English IES A Sangriña. Join us!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Trivia Winner 13th May
1. Find the names of EIGHT ANIMALS that are related to British traditions. 2. According to British traditions, when is it a BAD time to GET MARRIED? | 1. cows, cats, snakes,rodent,bees.----vacas,gatos,serpientes,roedores,abejas. I tried to find more than five but I couldn't find more. 2. The month of may was considered an unlucky month particularly for getting married. El mes de mayo se consideró un mes paticular mala suerte para casarse. |
Name | Carmen Martínez |
Welcome to the theatre!

Once again The English Department has brought theatre to school to motivate secondary and adult students of English of all levels in their interest in learning English.
Last Wednesday 19th, the theatre company "Moving On" came to IES A Sangriña and they performed the show "Food for Thought" with the active "help" of some of our students.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
UK Elections 2010

London, England (CNN) -- Within hours of his appointment, Britain's new prime minister, David Cameron, immediately began forming his coalition government overnight, appointing several Liberal Democrat leaders to Cabinet posts along with members of his own Conservative Party.
Lib Dems leader Nick Clegg, who was named deputy prime minister, announced early Wednesday his party's agreement into entering such a partnership, saying, "I hope this is the start of the new politics I have always believed in: diverse, plural; where politicians of different persuasions come together to overcome their differences in order to deliver good government for the sake of the whole country."
...Queen Elizabeth II named Cameron prime minister Tuesday night, shortly after Gordon Brown resigned, Buckingham Palace said.
overnight = de la noche a la mañana...............................of different persuasions = de todas las creencias appoint = nombrar..............................................................overcome = superar deputy prime minister = 2º primer order to = para agreement = acuerdo.......................................................deliver = cumplir, entregar partnership = asociación.......................................... ...... for the sake = por el bien ........................................................................................resign = dimitir
New British PM Cameron builds Coalition
Listen to his perfect pronunciation.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
HAVE a LAUGH: Literal Video Version, 'You're Beatiful"
fill = llenar, rellenar.............................sight = vista.........................................kinda = más o menos................
despair = desesperación....................chest = pecho.....................................sore = dolorido......................
I look = parezco (look AT = mirar a)...keep watching = sigue mirando...... socks =calcetines.................
upset = disgustado, fastidiado...........might= podrí = colocar.....................
think ahead = prever, planear............tiring= a line = en fila....................
strip off = desnudarse.......................strip show= espectáculo de striptease.....stuff = chismes, cosas.............
freezing = congelado.........................itchy = que pica, que pincha....................frigging = jodido
nude = = perseguir
my ass off = hasta el culo.............dip = chapuzón
smart = inteligente (Am E)...........choice = elección
VOCABULARY ACTIVITY, matching hotpotatoes exercise
despair = desesperación....................chest = pecho.....................................sore = dolorido......................
I look = parezco (look AT = mirar a)...keep watching = sigue mirando...... socks =calcetines.................
upset = disgustado, fastidiado...........might= podrí = colocar.....................
think ahead = prever, planear............tiring= a line = en fila....................
strip off = desnudarse.......................strip show= espectáculo de striptease.....stuff = chismes, cosas.............
freezing = congelado.........................itchy = que pica, que pincha....................frigging = jodido
nude = = perseguir
my ass off = hasta el culo.............dip = chapuzón
smart = inteligente (Am E)...........choice = elección
VOCABULARY ACTIVITY, matching hotpotatoes exercise
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
HUMOUR: A breakthrough in weather forecasting
Monday, May 3, 2010
May is here!

The Anglo-Saxon name for May was Tri-Milchi, in recognition of the fact that with the lush new grass cows could be milked three times a day. It was first called May in about 1430. Before then it was called Maius, Mayes, or Mai.
goddess = diosa................. lush =exhuberantecrops = cosecha................ milk = ordeñar
sprout =brote
In Britain May day marked the end of the harsh winter months and welcomed the beginning of Summer. For our ancestors, largely in rural areas, it was a major annual festival and was celebrated through out the country, especially on the first of May with music, dancing and games.
harsh = duro, áspero........
welcome = dar la bienvenida.......major = importante

- First thing in the morning on May 1st, young girls used to rush out into the garden to wash their faces in the May dew
- The month of may was considered an unlucky month particularly for getting married.
'Marry in May and you'll rue the day'
- Cats born this month will not be good rodent catchers and even worse, will bring snakes into the home.
snake= serpiente...............rodent catchers= caza-roedores..
Weather-lore, beliefs and sayings
swarm = enjambre..............................................mist= bruma“A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a load of hay.”
"Mist in May, Heat in June
Makes harvest come right soon""If you wash a blanket in May;
You will wash one of the family away."
load of hay = carga / montón de heno....................harvest = cosecha
to be worth = valer la pena...................................blanket= manta
Sunday, May 2, 2010
28th April Trivia Winner
What are the countries that closed completely or partially their airports,because of the volcanic ash cloud? WRITE them in ENGLISH and SPANISH!! | The countries are: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Denmark and Netherlands. Los paises son: Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania, Irlanda, Suecia, Noruega, Bélgica, Dinamarca y Países Bajos. |
Name | Brais Martínez |
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