Thursday, September 30, 2010

General Strike in Spain

The day of Spain’s General Strike ended with large rallies in both Madrid and Barcelona.

The two main union leaders, Ignacio Fernández Toxo and Cándido Méndez called for the Government to ‘not commit suicide’ and return to left wing policies to fight the recession. Toxo insisted the that ball was now in the Government’s court. There were many placards calling for the Prime Minister’s resignation, something which the union leaders have never called for.

The day was ‘successful’ for the unions, and ‘uneven’ for the Government. It can be said that the seventh General Strike since Spain’s turn to democracy did achieve the shutdown of industry, but often only through the efforts of pickets, transport services were seriously disrupted, but the service sector was practically untouched.

At least 82 pickets had been arrested in total across the country by 4pm, by the end of the day it was over 100.

rally = concentración................................resignation = dimisión................
shutdown = cierre
union = sindicato......................................successful
= con éxito...................pickets = piquetesleft wing policies = politica de izquierda..... .uneven = desigual, irregular.......disrupt = perturbar, desbaratarplacard = pancarta ..................................did achieve = sí que consiguió

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Talking about GRAMMAR...

WORD ORDER?????????.......................................
What happened with the PAST PARTICIPLE???? Will they really be... FINE?
Tenses? Question words? Please, don't learn from these people...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Guarda gets award EDEN 2010

A Guarda Council received yesterday from the hands of the representative of TURESPAÑA, the award EDEN 2010, which identifies the projects of sustainable tourism linked to the sea.
The event took place at the House of Alonso ( Praza do Reló), it began with the screening of a promotional video of A Guarda and then took place interventions of the Technique of Tourism, the Mayor of A Guarda, the representative of Turespaña, the Secretary of Tourism of Xunta de Galicia and Tourism Councilor of A Guarda, plus several other distinguished attendees of The Council, political representatives, associations, entrepreneurs, and other guests.

More INFO: A Guarda recibe o premio EDEN 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to the Battlefield

FUNNY BACK to SCHOOL, it's the most wonderful time of the year... for parents!!!!!!


The first day back to school is fun because you get to see all the friends that you have missed over summer vacation. It is also scary because you have to find out who your teachers are and what you classes will be for the next several months.

Here are 10 first day back to school tips to help you through:

1. Double check your supplies the night before. You want to make sure you have everything ready to go in the morning. Paper, pens, pencils, scissors and notebooks

2. Lay your clothes out the night before. The more prepared you are the night before, the less chance something will go wrong the morning you are starting back to school.

3. Set your alarm fifteen minutes early. Getting up a little earlier on the first day of school will give you a little extra time to prepare yourself for the day.

4. Eat breakfast before leaving for school. Breakfast will help you concentrate better.

5. Spread your wings a little bit when you go back to school. It is very easy to stick with the same group of friends, but making new friends is a positive thing to do.

6. Be prepared to take a lot of notes on the first day back to school. Teachers have a lot to share with you. Take good notes from day one and you will be ready for anything.

7. Don't be a part of the rude crowd. Teachers don't find it funny when a student is rude and nasty. Sometimes it's better to be part of the "uncool" crowd.

8. Don't listen to the rumors about your teachers. They are all caring people who want to help you learn, they are not evil monsters. Don't be afraid to talk to a teacher or counselor. They are there to help you,

9. And remember…School is all about learning. It isn't about how many friends you can make. It isn't about who dresses the coolest or how many times you can do something wrong without getting caught. It's about learning things that you will need in the future. Take it seriously. School doesn't last forever

10. Enjoy your first day back to school; don't let the pressures get you down. Take a deep breath and realize that it's just a few hours out of the day. Every new day at school you will be one day closer to graduation… if you don’t waste your time!


tips = consejos ...............
stick = adherirse............................................counselor = orientador
supply = suministro.......rude crowd = la panda de los maleducados......take a deep breath = respira hondo
lay = disponer.................nasty = malo, desagradable...........................realize = darse cuenta
spread your wings = extiende tus alas................................................evil = malvado

.............WELCOME YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!