Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Peace Day at A Sangriña

MANDALA is an ancient Sanskrit word that means “sacred circle".
It most often refers to spiritual or religious art that is created in the form of a circle. 
The word is specifically associated with traditional Hindu and Buddhist artwork, but mandalas can be found in perhaps all of the worlds spiritual traditions. We find them in the rose windows of the great cathedrals, Native American medicine wheels, the I Ching, and Zen circle paintings, among numerous others.The sacred circle can be found in every inch and corner of our living universe.

rose windows = rosetones
medicine wheels = ruedas medicinales
every inch and corner = en cada pulgada y esquina (en cada rincón)

Have you ever noticed how important circles are to the functioning of the universe, it radiates, contains, and directs the movement of things?
 . .* the sun emanates light
 . .* a sound wave expands in all directions
 . .* a flower displays itself with a fountain of petals emerging
 . .* the  circle contains water in every drop of rain
 . .* the circle protects every baby bird forming within its egg
 . .* in a circle that we do not ordinarily see, we find everything that constitutes our homeland, Planet ...Earth

Have you ever noticed = alguna vez te has dado cuenta?

The "Sri Yantra" above is considered the most holy image of the Hindu..tradition and represents the timeless creative principle of the universe..This one was painted in Rajasthan, India circa 1700.

How to Grow a Mandala:
This simple and easy method of mandala drawing is also a powerful form of meditation, relaxation, prayer, and creative expression. It is similar to methods that have been practiced for thousands of years. It only takes 5 minutes to learn, and all you need is a piece of paper and pen or pencil.
Give yourself a 5-minute meditation break, listen to calm music and...Give it a try!

out of nothing = de la nada..................choice = elección
ground = terremo, suelo, base..............it's never about.. = no se trata de...
seed = semilla.....................................next step = siguiente paso
top and bottom = arriba y abajo............care = cuidado, cariño
 pick = escoge....................................there's no such thing as a mistake = no existe el error
shape = forma....................................what's next? = qué es lo próximo?, qué viene ahora?
size = tamaño.....................................accept what comes = acepta lo que venga

                                                                         INFO from:  www.premaspace.com

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New ...Term, everyone! SMILE!!!!!

Hey Door!

..................................................Don’t yell, he gets unhinged…

yell = chillar
unhinged = trastornado (HINGE = bisagra)