Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
NEVER give up.
FAILURE = fracaso
AMOUNT TO MUCH = llegar a ser gran cosa
LOCK = cerrar con llave
FIRED = despedido
LACK = carecer
DEVASTATED = destrozado
REMOVE = eliminar
DEMOTE = degradar
ANCHOR = presentador
TO BE FIT FOR = ser adecuado para
REJECT = rechazar
Thursday, January 17, 2013
More info: http://www.becasestudiaencanada.org/convocatoria
Convocatoria de becas para participar no Instituto de verán Benjamin Franklin 2013 nos Estados Unidos de América para mozos/as entre 16 e 18 anos
More info: http://spanish.madrid.usembassy.gov/es/educacion/benjamin_2013.html
Convocatoria de becas para participar no Instituto de verán Benjamin Franklin 2013 nos Estados Unidos de América para mozos/as entre 16 e 18 anos
More info: http://spanish.madrid.usembassy.gov/es/educacion/benjamin_2013.html
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Funny Homework
DRAWING at primary school: When I Grow up, I Want to Be..."
(I bet the teacher got astonished with the picture...)
NOR = ni tampoco
HOME DEPOT = multicentro de decoración y bricolage
HECTIC = frenético, agitado
BLIZZARD = ventisca con nieve
SHOVEL = pala
SEVERAL = varias
POLE = poste, pértiga
DEPICT = representar
THOROUGHLY = concienzudamente, con detalle
TURN IN = entregar
Interesting facts about NUTRITION.
NOURISHMENT = alimentación, nutrición ..................
RID = elimina
AID = ayudar....................................................................
FAT = grasa...................................................................
MUSCLE PAIN = dolor muscular
WEIGHT LOSS = pérdida de peso...............................
LOWER = reducir, bajar
RELIEVE = aliviar.........................................................
IMPROVE = mejorar
FIBER = fibra...............................................................
SKIN MOISTURIZER = hidratante para la piel
From: PositiveMed
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine that is derived from Chinese traditional medicine and refers to structured pattern of pressure applied to various parts of the body, such as the feet and hands. Ear is another structure that is widely enervated and is believed to be connected to other organs of the body through autonomous nervous system...Learn more here: http://positivemed.com/2012/09/20/reflexology-ear-chart/
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
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