Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What does the fox say?

Foxes have the reputation of being cunning and deceiving — a subject for both admiration and loathing throughout history.

CUNNING = astuto
DECEIVING =  taimado, engañoso
LOATHING = aborrecimiento, odio

A female fox is called a “vixen.”  

Two Norwegian talk show hosts, Bård Ylvisåker and Vegard Ylvisåker produced and sing what is likely to have become the hit of the summer — love it or hate it. The song has reached as high as No. 6 in the Billboard charts and a lengthy article in the NYTimes has been dedicated to Ylvis.

TALK SHOW = programa de entrevistas
HOST = anfitrión, presentador
WHAT IS LIKELY = lo que parece
........................................................................................................................................................From: Rock Genious

Now listen to the song and try to sing along. ENJOY!