Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wonderful 'Love Has No Labels' Campaign.

This Valentine’s Day, the Ad Council, and R/GA teamed up to show the world that Love Has No Labels. The screen showed skeletons in acts of simple love that make you go Ah! then people emerge from around the corner to demonstrate that love has no boundaries, no gender, no race or age.  

TEAM UP = trabajar en equipo
EMERGE = salir, aparecer
BOUNDARY = frontera 

This viral video has counted more than 1.1 million views in just 24 hours. Focusing on the subjects of diversity and inclusion, the clip opens with gorgeous views of Santa Monica, Calif., shot on Valentine's Day last month.

DIVERSITY and INCLUSION = diversidad e integración.

While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see—whether it’s race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability. This may be a significant reason many people in the U.S. report they feel discriminated against. Subconscious prejudice—called “implicit bias”—has profound implications for how we view and interact with others who are different from us. 

SNAP JUDGEMENT = juicio precipitado
BIAS = prejuicio, preferencia 

The important thing is to educate ourselves and watch for biases when they surface.

CAN YOU SPOT IMPLICIT BIAS IN YOURSELF? Try the quiz on Love Has No Labels  website


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The Advertising Council, commonly known as the Ad Council, is an American non-profit organization that produces, distributes and promotes public service announcements on behalf of various sponsors, including non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations and agencies of the United States government