course= campo ................ collect = recoger, coleccionar............. removed= extirpar, quitar

Proud = orgulloso................................Background = origen
Share = compartir...............................Commitment = compromiso
Award = premio..................................Rubble = escombros
Surrounded =rodeado..........................Reach deep = llegar hasta el fondo.
Dazzling = deslumbrante.....................No matter = no importa
Array = selección................................Simulcast = emisión simultánea
Pretend = fingir..................................................change = cambio / cambiar
Somehow = de alguna forma...............................stand together = permanecer unidos.
Choice = elección...............................................lean on = apoyarse
Own = propio.....................................................storm = tormenta
Care = preocuparse, cuidar.................................sign post = señal.
cries for help = gritos de socorro..........................dream = sueño
in vain = en vano..............................................stumble = tropezar
turn away = darse la vuelta , dar la espalda.........rubble = escombros
down and out = deprimido..................................bond = unión, lazo
seem = parecer...................................................citizens = ciudadanos
hope = esperanza................................................pitch in = ponerse a trabajar
realize = darse cuenta........................................will = voluntad
Fellowmen = prójimo
Desperate need = necesidad desesperada
..........................LISTENING COMPREHENSION, click on the links:
.....................................1. Listen to the SONG and fill in the GAPS
.....................................2. Test your listening: Listen to Jamie Fox and Lionel Ritchie, then SING along
.....................................3. Only for 2º BACHARELATO: Reported Speech exercise
| Aldara Otero |
Where can you find signs with news and messages? Write a funny one and its translation. | In the most churches and other houses of worship En algunas iglesias y otras casas de culto _______________________________________________________________ I kissed a girl and i liked it , then i went to hell Besé a una lesbiana y me gustó , entonces fui al infierno. |