Three robbers took about 120.000 euros from the branch of Caixanova in A Guarda, after bounding the employees hand and foot. The robbery occurred yesterday in Concepción Arenal Street, at about 8:00 am. The robbers had entered the office at dawn , by opening a hole in the wall (butrón) in the rear of the building, before the managing director and other two employees could arrive to begin his workday. The incidents occurred when the office had not yet been open to the public and they had just arrived to work.
The robbers tied the three employees and escaped with the money, through the same hole in the wall. The police were called by two other coworkers who realized what was happening inside the office. The local police officers had to break a glass in order to get into the office. The Guardia Civil are in charge of the investigation.
branch = sucursal .......................................................dawn = amanecer..............................................employee = empleado
robbery= robo ( banco)...............................................hole = agujero...................................................coworkers = compañeros de trabajo
bound hand and footv= atar de pies y manos..........rear = la parte trasera....................................realize = darse cuenta de
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