Tuesday, June 1, 2010

JUNE. Summer is here!

June marks the beginning of SUMMER in the northern hemisphere and the month of the Wimbledon tennis tournament in England.

June is the sixth month of the year and takes its name from the Roman goddess Junno, the goddess of marriage. For this reason, June has always been looked upon as the best month in which to marry:

.....................................Married in the month of roses - June
....................................Life will be one long homeymoon.

Sera monath (Dry month) was the name the Anglo-Saxons gave to the month.

......Weather-lore, beliefs and sayings

'A calm June puts the farmer in tune'

'June damp and warm, does the farmer no harm'.

It is claimed that summer doesn't start until the elder is in flower.

The Red Rose

The flower for June is the
red rose. The red rose is the symbol of: goddess = diosa
look upon = considerar
elder = saúco

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