A traditional English and British Christmas dinner includes roast turkey or goose, brussels sprouts, roast potatoes, cranberry sauce, rich nutty stuffing, tiny sausages wrapped in bacon (pigs in a blanket) and lashings of hot gravy.
main = principal...........................................cramberry sauce = salsa de arándanos
roat turkey = pavo asado..............................nutty stuffing = relleno con frutos secos
goose = ganso ............................................wrapped = envuelto
brussel sprouts = coles de bruselas................lashings = montones
gravy = salsa o jugo de carne
For pudding (dessert) we eat a rich, fruity pudding which is doused in flaming brandy – said to ward off evil spirits. This rich, fruity pudding is called the Christmas Pudding.
doused = empapado
flaming = en llamas
ward off = repelerA Turkey Wishing Tradition
A Christmas tradition involving the turkey is to pull its wishbone. This is one of the bones of the turkey which is shaped like the letter 'Y'. Two people will each hold an end and pull. The person left with the larger piece of the bone makes a wish.
wishbone = hueso de la suerte, espoleta
Christmas Crackers
Traditionally a Christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table. When the crackers are pulled, out falls a colourful party crown, a toy or gift and a festive joke.

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