Traditionally, spring begins on St Valentine's Day (February 14th), the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex Valentines Day was called 'The Birds' Wedding Day'.
Valentine's Day History
St. Valentine was a priest in Rome, and was condemned to death on February 14th 269 A.D. after it was discovered that he had been helping Christian martyrs and secretly marrying couples. The emperor Claudius II had prohibited men in his army to marry, as he felt their strength would be sapped!Before his execution St.Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, signed 'From Your Valentine', and so began the tradition of sending a card from a secret admirer.
martyr = má = minar, socavar.
strength = fuerza..........................farewell note = nota de despedida
Sending your loved one a card on Valentine's day has been with us since the 1800's when commercial valentines were first introduced.Valentine's Day
Is a wonderful way
To make "I love you"
Easy to say'.
Nicholas Gordon
Love Spells (= hechizos)
To discover your true loveBefore you go to sleep put bay leaves on the corners of your pillow, and one in the centre. Close your eyes and repeat these words 7 times, counting up to seven between each repetition:
'Dear Guardian Angel, let me have what I so earnestly do crave
A Valentine imbued with love, who will both true and constant prove.'
bay leaves= hojas de laurel...................................earnestly = de todo corazón
pillow = almohada..................................................crave = anhelar
Your true love should appear to you in a dream.
Love Divination
If you visit a cemetery on St Valentine’s Eve at midnight and walk around the church 12 times, you should dream of your future husband.
It was a popular belief that the birds choose their mates on the feast of Valentine - their patron saint.
It is also traditionally believed that a girl is able to tell what sort of man she will marry by the first bird she sees on St. Valentine's day.
Blackbird (mirlo)- Priest
Robin (petirrojo)- Sailor
Goldfinch (jilguero) - a rich man
Sparrow (gorrión) - Farmer
Any blue bird - a happy man
Dove (paloma)- a loving man
Woodpecker (carpintero)- will not marry
Flower Language
Roses Messages
Red - true love
White - I love you not
Yellow - jealousy
Pink - innocent love and happiness
Orange - I love you vigorously
Purple - I will love you forever
Wild rose - uncontrollable desire
Moss rose - I admire you from afar
White - I love you not
Yellow - jealousy
Pink - innocent love and happiness
Orange - I love you vigorously
Purple - I will love you forever
Wild rose - uncontrollable desire
Moss rose - I admire you from afar

Funny Valentine
On July 19, 2009 a viral video called JK Wedding Entrance Dance was uploaded to You Tube that received significant media attention, using"Forever"" by Chris Brown as the song for the wedding march. The wedding was between Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz.
Imaginative wedding proposal!!.
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