Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Japan's nuclear reactor: radioactive leaks

There has been a sharp rise in radioactive iodine in the sea off the Fukushima nuclear power plant, with radioactivity thousands of times higher than the legal limit. The most likely sources of the leaks are Reactors 2 and 3, as detailed here.
It is now believed radioactive leaks from the plant into the sea are continuous. Workers are planning to drain highly radioactive waste water from under turbine buildings of reactors 2, 3 and 4, into the centralised radiation waste treatment centre (labelled above). There is less radioactive water building up under turbine buildings of units 5 and 6 which threatens the safety of the reactors - this too needs to be pumped away.
But first workers have to drain 10,000 tons of low-level radioactive water currently in storage at the waste treatment centre straight into the sea to make room for the highly contaminated water.

SHARP RISE = subida brusca......................DRAIN = drenar....................CURRENTLY = actualmente
IODINE = yodo............................................WASTE = deshechos...............IN STORAGE = almacenado
THE MOST LIKELY = la más probable....... THREATEN = amenaza.........MAKE ROOM = hacer sitio
LEAK = escape ........................................... PUMP AWAY = bombear

radiation waste treatment centre = centro de tratamiento de residuos radiactivos.

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