Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Helping Charities: We are the World


“We Are the World”
is a song and charity single originally recorded by the supergroup USA for Africa in 1985. It was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie.
The 25th Anniversary recording features over 80 artists and performers.It was recorded on February 1st, 2010, in the same studio as the original 25 years earlier
record = grabar


Proud = orgulloso................................Background = origen

Share = compartir...............................Commitment = compromiso

Award = premio..................................Rubble = escombros

Surrounded =rodeado..........................Reach deep = llegar hasta el fondo.

Dazzling = deslumbrante.....................No matter = no importa

Array = selección................................Simulcast = emisión simultánea


Pretend = fingir..................................................change = cambio / cambiar

Somehow = de alguna forma...............................stand together = permanecer unidos.

Choice = elección...............................................lean on = apoyarse

Own = propio.....................................................storm = tormenta

Care = preocuparse, cuidar.................................sign post = señal.

cries for help = gritos de socorro..........................dream = sueño

in vain = en vano..............................................stumble = tropezar

turn away = darse la vuelta , dar la espalda.........rubble = escombros

down and out = deprimido..................................bond = unión, lazo

seem = parecer...................................................citizens = ciudadanos

hope = esperanza................................................pitch in = ponerse a trabajar

realize = darse cuenta........................................will = voluntad


Fellowmen = prójimo

Desperate need = necesidad desesperada

..........................LISTENING COMPREHENSION, click on the links:

.....................................1. Listen to the SONG and fill in the GAPS

.....................................2. Test your listening: Listen to Jamie Fox and Lionel Ritchie, then SING along

.....................................3. Only for 2º BACHARELATO: Reported Speech exercise

April Trivia Winner

Aldara Otero
Where can you find signs with news and messages?
Write a funny one and its translation.
In the most churches and other houses of worship
En algunas iglesias y otras casas de culto
I kissed a girl and i liked it , then i went to hell
Besé a una lesbiana y me gustó , entonces fui al infierno.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Funny Newspaper Clippings

hunter = cazador...........shame on you = vergüenza debería darte...........ought to = debería.................
harm = herir................store =tienda........

brand = marca...................slight = ligero.....................safety = seguridad................tombstone = lápida
matress = colchón..............smell = olor........................turkey = pavo........................denture = dentadura
warranty= garantía..........weapons = armas...............drumstick = muslo