Sunday, December 8, 2013


BACH: Who did what with a hammer, chisel and nails, why?

Jorge Piedra, 2º BACH B:

 Dashrath Manjhi built a passage on a hill, to reduce the distance from his village to the nearest town 75km because his wife died due to the fact that there wasn't any hospital in their village.

 Steffi Lomba Vrouenraets, 2º BACH A:

This is the story about Dashrath Majhi.

Dashrath Majhi was married with a woman who got ill and died. She died because she couldn´t go to the doctor. The nearest town with a doctor was 70 Km away and it was very difficult to go there because there was a hill between his village(Bihar,India) and his town.
So, Dashrath,frustrated,began to cut the mountain with a hammer,chisel and nails,working every day for 22 years. He decided to make a road cutting the hill to prevent more deaths in his village.

ESO: What famous Spanish fortress was victim of a crime last year? What happened?

Berenice González Diz, 3º ESO A:

The victim was the Alhambra fortress in Granada.
A swiss woman drew a heart and her initials on a wall in the Golden Room.

 CONGRATULATIONS, you have won an extra 0'25 points in your term grades!!

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