Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The Advantages of Owning a Dog

There's a reason dogs have long been called a man's best friend. Their loyalty, intelligence, devotion and affection are incredibly rewarding. From taking a long walk together on a beautiful spring morning, being greeted by a happily wagging tail at the end of a long day to relaxing at home in each other's company, owning a dog can raise spirits and engender a sense of wellbeing like almost nothing else.
And of course for all the love you put in, a dog will give you it back tenfold.

REWARDING = gratificante, satisfactorio......... TAIL = cola
GREET = saludar, dar la bienvenida.................. WELLBEING = bienestar
WAG = menear, mover...................................... TENFOLD = multiplicado por diez

Recent studies show that those of us who own a pet are usually healthier and happier in our lives than those who don't - and dog owners are particularly privileged.

Above all, dogs are great fun. They can make you laugh, even if you've had a terrible day, and they're always there for a reassuring hug when you need it. A dog's primary wish in life is to make you, its owner, happy.
How noble - and cool - is that?

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