Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The Origin of Job Interviews 


1. A job opportunity: There is a job opportunity at the tourist office in Barcelona.
2.  To apply for a job: When I finish university, I am going to apply for a job at the local Irish bar.
3. A co-worker or colleague : I am going to the bar tonight with my co-workers. I love my colleagues, they are so much fun!
4. An employer or employee: I am an important employer in Barcelona. I have 200 employees working for me at my business.
5. To have strengths and weaknesses: I had a job interview today and their first question was about my strengths and weaknesses.
6. To be an expert in your field: I am an expert in the field of English football teams.
7. To have management and leadership experience: I managed a team of 20 people at my old jobs, and they all said I have excellent leadership skills.
8. To be a problem solver: I consider myself to be a strong problem solver. I love the challenge of finding solutions and fixing problems.
9. To climb the career ladder: I can’t wait to get my first job and start climbing the career ladder. One day I would like to be a company director.
10. To be versatile: I can speak 5 languages, I am good at graphic design and I also have a lot of experience with accounting and business management. This makes me very versatile so I’m sure I will be to find a job quickly.
11. To be hard working: I work for 12 hours everyday, but I really I enjoy it. I am a hard working person, so it’s natural for me to work long hours.
From: Wellington House Idiomas

Questions you will get asked in a job interview

Match the common interview question on the left with the suitable response from the list on the right.

1. Why did you choose this company?

2. What are your strengths/weaknesses?

3. How would your friends describe you?

4. What is your greatest achievement?

5. How well do you work in a team?

6. Where will you be in 5 years?

an achievement
something good that you have managed to do
good at making decisions quickly
my aim
what I want to do/achieve
common goal
an aim or objective shared with other people

From:   BBC Learning English


A. People say I'm sociable, organised, and decisive.
B. My aim is to have a position in the Management Team.
C. I have excellent time management, but I can be impatient for results.
D. Because I think I will find the work environment both challenging and rewarding.
E. I always support my colleagues and believe we should work towards a common goal.
F. Leading the University football team to the national Championships.

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