Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Who fought with a method based on courage, non-violence and truth? What was the major achievement of this spiritual leader? 

3º ESO: Elsa Vázquez Rodríguez
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, known as Gandhi.
He got freedom for India, which was being oppressed by the British people with a political movement (a pacifist movement) called Satyagraha. So he is known for this, he's a role model and "The father of the Indian Nation".
I think he's an amazing person because he promoted disobedience without violence and that is something hard to get.

4º ESO: Miguel Ángel González Diz
- That person was Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). He used the courage, nonviolence and truth, which were the principles of his method of action was called Satyagrana. 
- His major achievement was leading the campaign for Indian Independence from Britain. He became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement at the age of 15, and he used the principles of Satyagrana to get the Independence.

......................................WELL DONE!  you've got an extra 0'25 in your term grades

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